The Value of Validations

A quick story in the importance of database-level validations...

At Transparent Classroom, teachers are allowed to react to photos uploaded by parents with either a Heart or a Thumbs Up.

Much like Facebook, you can only have reaction for a post. If you click Heart and then Thumbs Up, it will change your reaction rather than create a new one.

A simple solution to this on the server side could look like:

def create
  if (reaction = @post.reactions.find_by user: current_user)
    reaction.update! code: params[:reaction]
    @post.reactions.create! user: current_user, code: params[:reaction]
  # ...

A pretty common pattern, but there's a sneaky race condition in this code. Can you find it?

Our users were able to find it. Turns out that a combination of clicking different reactions in rapid succession, combined with the database occasionally being slightly slower, means that the system can break.

If a sleep 3 was added before @post.reactions.create! it's easy to trigger. On the first request, the DB is checked for the presence of a reaction, finds none, and then starts the (artificially slow) process of creating a reaction. Meanwhile, a second request comes in, similarly doesn't (yet) find a reaction in the DB, and also starts to create a different reaction for the same post.


Luckily, we had put a Rails model validation on our Reaction:

class Reaction
  validates :user_id, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: :post_id }
  # ...

What could've led to bad data in the system instead simply triggered a 500 that we could detect and recover from.

Remember kids: latency is the root of many system errors. Even a simple system like ours (no distributed systems, simple lookup, a couple lines of code, etc.) can have edge cases that are easy to miss but likely to encounter.

Latency is exceptionally hard to account for correctly, and it takes a lot of extra time and careful design. We generally don't have the luxury of going slowly and meticulously designing every new feature or system. We move fast, so a decent middle ground is to add validations to protect against bad data and then to fix bugs due to latency when they're triggered in the real world.